In January 2017, Danielle Bruggeman was appointed as Professor of Fashion at ArtEZ University of the Arts in Arnhem, the Netherlands. For more recent information, please see: fashionprofessorship.artez.nl and futuremakers.artez.nl.
Vlisco: Made in Holland, Adorned in West Africa, Reappropriated as Dutch Design
In: Fashion, Style and Popular Culture, vol.4 nr.2, 2017: 197-214.
Vivid Colours: From the Local to the Global and Back Again: Oilily, Mac&Maggie and ¯CoraKemperman’,
With A. Smelik and M. Feitsma,
In: A. Smelik (ed.) From Delft Blue to Denim Blue. Contemporary Dutch Fashion.
London: I.B. Tauris, 2017.
Fashion as a New Materialist Aesthetics: The Case of Viktor&Rolf
In: A. Smelik (ed.) From Delft Blue to Denim Blue. Contemporary Dutch Fashion.
London: I.B. Tauris, 2017.
Dutch Fashion Photography: Liquid Bodies and Fluid Faces
In: A. Smelik (ed.) From Delft Blue to Denim Blue. Contemporary Dutch Fashion.
London: I.B. Tauris, 2017.
Book review: Fashioning Memory: Vintage Style and Youth Culture by Heike Jenss
In: Fashion Theory, vol.21 nr.3, 2017: 317-322.
Book review: Fashioning Memory: Vintage Style and Youth Culture, by Heike Jenss
In: Fashion Theory. Online publication, September 19, 2016:
Long live the (im)material: concept and materiality in Viktor&Rolf's fashion
With A. Van de Peer,
In: International Journal of Fashion Studies, vol.3 nr.1, 2016: 7-26.
Everything but Clothes. Exhibition Review
In: Address: Journal for Fashion Criticism, Online publication, July 20, 2015: http://www.addresspublications.com/everything-but-clothes/.
Questioning Identity Through Digital “Imaginings”
In: J. Lamoree, J. Teunissen, H. van der Voet (eds.) Everything but Clothes: Fashion, Photography, Magazines.
Arnhem/Houten: ArtEZ Press/Terra Lannoo, 2015: 78-87.
More Than Meets the Eye: Dutch Fashion, Identity and New Materialism
PhD dissertation, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2014.
click here to download the pdf
The Invisible Presence of the Internalised Corset: Post-Feminist Values Materialised in Marlies Dekkers’ Lingerie
In: M. Pedroni (ed.) From Production to Consumption: The Cultural Industry of Fashion.
Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2013: 37-56.
Marlies Dekkers: Lingerie Epitomising Post-Feminist Identity
In: B. Brownie, L. Petican, and J. Reponen (eds.) Fashion: Exploring Critical Issues (eBook). Oxford: Inter- Disciplinary Press, 2012: 213-220.
Digitale verbeelding en het spel met identiteit
In: J. Lamoree, J. Teunissen, H. van der Voet (eds.) Alles behalve kleren: mode, fotografie, magazines.
Arnhem/Houten: ArtEZ Press/Terra Lannoo, 2015: 78-87.
De catwalk van het dagelijks leven. Aynouk Tan en de performatieve kracht van mode
In: K. Röttger (ed.) Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis: Gender & Performance, no. 32. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2012: 153-162.
De esthetiek en erotiek van ouderdom in de beeldcultuur ontrafeld
With A. Smelik,
In: A. Swinnen (ed.) Seksualiteit van ouderen. Een multidisciplinaire benadering.
Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2011: 267-290.
Ontsnappen aan het Gezicht van de Blanke Man
In: Raffia, 21 (3), October 2009: 3-6.